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Welcome to Art


Ms. Rosario-Reese

This month we are working with our community partner Southshore Cultural Arts Center housed in the Center for Performing Arts building in Munster to bring the students at Block Middle School an experience that they will never forget. 


We had the honor of having Mr. Perez a Graphic Designer of 27 years, EC Native, and graduate of East Chicago Central High School, Class of 89 to work with our students to teach them the art of becoming Graffiti Writers. He has completed graffiti murals throughout the Midwest with his latest piece of art being in Fort Wayne, commissioned for the hip-hop festival.
Our students worked for three weeks to learn the method of drip, splatter, two-color blend, and the history of graffiti. The students completed the decoration of hug planters and benches that will be donated to the East Chicago Public Libraries. They also did an extension personal project of graffiti canvas paintings and bags taught by Ms. Reese.

Students Personal Art

Library Donation

Community Artist Mr. Perez